Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Aenean eu leo quam.
For performance reasons, all icons require a base class and individual icon class. To use, place the following code just about anywhere. Be sure to leave a space between the icon and text for proper padding.
// use the icon like a letter <span class="fa fa-search"></span> <div style="font-size:15px;"><span class="fa fa-search"></span></div> <div style="color:#0033FF;"><span class="fa fa-search"></span></div> <div style="background:#333;"><span class="fa fa-search"></span></div>
Use them in buttons, button groups for a toolbar, navigation, or prepended form inputs.
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-lg"> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> Star </button>